Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Veniam reiciendis harum placeat beatae, nihil, molestiae, aperiam maxime omnis praesentium repellat architecto corporis nobis. Mollitia facere possimus quaerat, autem magni earum praesentium expedita omnis delectus commodi ad esse corrupti neque natus eius quisquam a recusandae eligendi tenetur obcaecati maxime doloremque voluptates consectetur. Nostrum, quo minima assumenda maiores, quaerat placeat laboriosam aliquam autem cumque debitis repellat impedit qui accusamus suscipit. Qui, numquam magni quisquam dicta aperiam tempore accusantium labore, beatae facere pariatur vero modi quo ratione aliquid. Nihil nam a minus debitis, tempore laboriosam illum alias sed odio quos, laborum, corporis soluta.




 A small town in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Sovereign [republic] within the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is the administrative center and the largest settlement of Moynak region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
   Moynak has had city status since 1963.  Until the mid-1980s, Moynak was a fishing port city developed on the southern shore of the Aral Sea, which was once deep.  The city is home to the Moynak fish cannery, which formed the city and was one of the largest fish canning enterprises in the former USSR.
 Population - 13 thousand population (1991), 18 196 (2012), 13 500 (2018).

 Moynak (Moynak) was once located on the shores of the Aral Sea - today they are separated by 100 km.  With its magnificent beaches, an abundance of fish, and size, the lake, called the sea, has now become a desert.  The locals call it the Aral Desert (similar to the Kyzylkum Desert).  In the past, naval vessels sailed in the desert sea.  Now they are in the famous “ship cemetery” in the port of Moynak.  It is unlikely that they will return to the Aral Sea.  They just stand there, rust and sink to the bottom of nothingness